Mustelid Manor Memoirs

"Having an aura of menace is like having a pet weasel, because you rarely meet someone who has one, and when you do it makes you want to hide under the coffee table." ~Lemony Snicket~ (from The Slippery Slope)

Sunday, October 30, 2005


We get to dress up for Halloween!

Banter is going to be Freddy Kruger (because he has been most vicious in a playful manner), Nanook will be a Mindless Zombie (due to his starvation-induced brain reduction), Crimson will be Dracula (revenge for his battle with the blood-sucking ticks)!

Winzig will be a Wolverine Princess (because she is prissy in a weasely sort of way), Rikki will be Francis the Badger (from one of Mommy's favorite books as a kid), and Link will be a Witch (because all of the other ferrets are afraid of her).

How cool is that?!
~The Weasels~

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Wise Up!

Perhaps you have all forgotten that weasels represent silent observations and exposing truths. We don't miss a trick and we will let you know it. This is what weasels are about.

We have only posted these facts in response to Mash's regular attacks upon our characters and our physical beings. As a wise ferret once said: "What you give out you will get back, good or bad."

And the threats? Perhaps you forget our main quality: No Fear...
~Winzig das Opossum, Rikki Tikki Tavi, Banter Basho Badger, Link #9, Nanook of the North~

I am willing to sign my name to the above, except that "no fear" part... I have no desire to be an ingredient in ferret stew...
~Crimson Comet~

Monday, October 24, 2005

All About Poop

Mash always has these comments about us being little bed-wetters and pee-dribblers and such. Hmm. We've got a story for you!

Mom yelled at Mash for being up where she shouldn't be. When Mash jumped down and ran, mom saw something fall and went to see what it was. Mash was apparently so startled, that when she jumped down, she decided to launch a turbo crap missile.

Yup, that's right folks! Mash got the crap scared out of her--literally. And WE are gross??? Mash really has no room to talk!
~The Weasels~

And oh yeah, message to Sassy's mom? For your information, I do NOT need a diaper! I am now the only ferret that goes in the litter box, 100% of the time. Perhaps it is the beloved Mash that requires a diaper?
~Link #9 (The Cat Killer)~

Sunday, October 23, 2005


The truth is finally out! We managed to hide a camera in the hallway catching Mash in the act. These photos give you a small glimpse of what Mash does to us.

We've seen her blog. We know the lies she creates about us. We've received a bit of hate mail thanks to her unsavory portrayal of ferrets--us in particular.

We felt it was time to even the score a bit.
~The Weasels~

Saturday, October 15, 2005

New Links

We updated our page with links to Mom's page and Mash's page, plus you can still go to Picture Pages! to find pictures of us! :)
~The Weasels~


1. Go into your archive.
2. Find your 23rd post (or your 2nd for those not yet that far).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog, along with these instructions.
5. Tag five other ferrets to do the same.

Our 23rd post, fifth sentence:
"We trashed stuff that she didn't even know she had!"

Our 1st posts, close to fifth sentence (we never were good at following the rules):
"They smell pretty...must skank up, now..." ~Winzig~

"I knew there was a reason that I was digging that big hole in there and spreading stuffing everywhere... *hiss*" ~Rikki~

"WHERE IS BARON????? (cluck)" ~Banter~

"OOOooo, Mom has treats..." ~Link~

"Oh, I am a fisherman, fisherman." ~Nanook~

"I wonder what she thought was going to come out of the tube?"~Crimson Comet~

We tagged each other! Since there are six of us and we don't know other weasels with blogs, we figured that this was the only thing to do!
~The Weasels~

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Happy Birthday Winzig!

Today is Winzig das Opossum's third birthday! We got mango (well, for those of us that like it) and the pink stuff for breakfast. Mom says she'll have more surprises when she gets home from work tonight--Yea!!!
~The Weasels~

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Going to California?

Mom came home smelling of strange weasels. She claims that she met Baron's twin, but her clothes didn't smell like Baron. Hopefully she doesn't bring home anyone else.

One of her friends in California is working towards getting us legalized out there so that we can go visit. Mash says all places should be like California.

Well, mom still hasn't found anyone to watch us over Christmas. Wonder who we will get this time? Maybe she will take us to Disneyland too?
~The Six~
Click to zoom in on my visitor map!
Click to zoom in on my visitor map!