Mustelid Manor Memoirs

"Having an aura of menace is like having a pet weasel, because you rarely meet someone who has one, and when you do it makes you want to hide under the coffee table." ~Lemony Snicket~ (from The Slippery Slope)

Friday, August 10, 2007

The End of Debate

Well, I'm sure that you guys knew I couldn't resist... on July 21st, I went and adopted my first baby ever, my first ferret from a breeder, and my first ferret from Ravensnest. Yup, it's the beautiful little black sable hob that we had been posting pictures of!

I decided that $650 was a ridiculous price for staining my tiny, little observation deck and steps (that didn't even include touching the big deck!)--regardless of whether it meant the difference between a Ravensnest baby or not. Three gallons of stain would normally be $70--that week, it was marked down and three gallons could be purchased for $60--then they kicked in a sweet rebate deal and I walked away with my three gallons for $45! So yeah, saving $25 on the stain and saving myself $600 altogether? Not even a question! If someone offered me $600 to stain the deck, would I do it? Hell, yeah! Is it essentially the same thing? Yup, it sure is!

That same week, a friend clued me in on a tip that the professionals used when doing her deck--old socks and plastic gloves. Apparently, when they stained her deck, they used plain old cheap lunch lady plastic gloves and then slipped a tube sock over top--dip it in the stain and rub the deck--could it get any easier or cheaper? Plus, she even donated a bunch of her old socks and an extreme amount of plastic gloves! But I guess this helps prevent runs, wastes less of the stain, and the spindles no longer have me trembling in my shoes--they will actually be the easiest part now! I may not TOTALLY ruin the deck after all...

So we add the super stain sale and the friendly tips--all within the same week as I am debating the ferret deal--a sign? Perhaps. Then just days before I am to make the trip, one of my psychic friends calls--mentions that her insomnia forced her into turning on the TV at three am and what does she happen upon? The ferret special featuring the Buckeye Bash and as I learned from group postings that week--appearances by Dr. Ruth and the Ravensnest ferrets. Mere coincidence? I think not!

So, I ended up scrubbing the deck and steps last weekend--hopefully, this weekend I'll be motivated and do the staining. It really makes the $250 for the baby much easier to justify. $650 to have my deck professionally stained or $300 spent when doing it myself and getting a new weasel... I see the new guy as having just saved me a couple of hundred dollars! Well, okay, it seems logical to me--that's all that matters, right?! ;)

~Mustelid Mommy~


Blogger Stine said...

Of course it's logical to work the money around so you could have a new weasel!!! I think you'll like the deck even more when you do it yourself!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007 11:32:00 AM  
Blogger Basho said...

I don't know about the deck--I opened the stain and it reminded me of tomato soup or red hot sauce! It was supposed to be redwood, but really is bright orange. Even my test spot turned out horrible--I thought maybe it might look different on, but no. It truly is awful.

So now I am waiting to see if the hardware store will let me exchange it for something a little less hideous...

Michele volunteered her kiddos and husband to come help stain it--so we'll see what happens! But yeah, I can tolerate a hideous deck if I know that I finally got my little guy in return! :)

Sunday, August 19, 2007 2:54:00 PM  

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