Mustelid Manor Memoirs

"Having an aura of menace is like having a pet weasel, because you rarely meet someone who has one, and when you do it makes you want to hide under the coffee table." ~Lemony Snicket~ (from The Slippery Slope)

Friday, August 19, 2005


Mom keeps leaving and we either end up with extra food bowls and water bottles (like we don't know what that means) and sometimes Aunt Sharon comes and takes care of us. She isn't as fun to chase as Amy was though. Amy was actually afraid of us which made bullying so much more entertaining! Sharon knows about scruffing and spray bottles too--Banter beware.

Mash completely disappears when mom is gone. Wonder where she goes? She probably gets to go along--freaking witch. And she has the nerve to be jealous of us...

We might get a new friend--our cousin, a skunk might come to live with us. We are kind of scared because he might decide he doesn't like us and will want to bite us. Mom said he lives with a cat, so he is used to other critters and should like us because we are family--hmm. We'll see. Hopefully she'll get rid of Mash and our home can be known as "Mustelid Manor."
~The Wicked Weasels of Wayside~


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