Mustelid Manor Memoirs

"Having an aura of menace is like having a pet weasel, because you rarely meet someone who has one, and when you do it makes you want to hide under the coffee table." ~Lemony Snicket~ (from The Slippery Slope)

Monday, September 03, 2007

Just an Update--Nothing Fancy

Yay! Photoworks is up and running again! That means photos of the baby will be coming soon! Let's see, fourteen hours later and we are on 30/399 photos uploaded and these are pre-baby photos... so hmm, in a week maybe, we should have photos posted...

Anyhoo, he is doing well. He had his first quality "out time" with someone other than Mommy in the ferret room, this past weeked. Nikki got doused in the Bitter Apple a few times, but he never broke the skin, even without it. He is doing better all the way around with the biting and I no longer feel compelled to wear jeans tucked into socks with sneakers on when in the ferret room!

His distemper booster went well, sent me into near panic attacks though. I hadn't been back to that vet since Baron went in for his surgery and didn't come home. I started into the panic mode as soon as I pulled into the parking lot--I guess maybe I am still having some PTSD symptoms over Baron. That was a loss that I haven't been able to completely put behind me.

At any rate, the baby weighed in at 3.4 lbs (Winzig was a mere 1.7 lbs!)--not bad for four months old! We are still going with Sirius Black, for now. I'm not completely sure that it fits though. Sadly, I usually call him Big Guy, which just sounds so backwoods PA! :)

~Mustelid Mommy~


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